Generally, when I move to a new place, I find myself, trying to please everybody...It is a good way to find out where you fit in, in the first few months.
Soon enough, you will find yourself in many different groups, meeting many different people.
This is a great way to get to know your own place in society.
Sometimes, I find myself running out of energy very quickly when I do this, because inevitably I will have more to do than there are hours in a day.
Then, after a few months, I sit back and reassess the process.
I realise who I like, who likes me, what I enjoy doing and where my energy is best spent.
This is my message for today:
make sure that you make enough connections in order to see what and who works for you and then step back, look again, and decide what you want to focus on.
When you have a career path it is a little more difficult to do this as you need to get ahead in life and therefore sometimes overspend your energy at work, creating a situation where no energy is left for you and the family.
This is called bad time management... or maybe is it bad soul management.
Trying to impress everyone at work because you get more rewards for it, financially and also because there are like minded people around you, can change your personality for the family at home.
You might be very outgoing at work and then turn into a quiet uncommunicative person at home. Not because that is is who you want to be, but because that is what happens if you try to keep everyone happy at work.
Spending more time at home, doesn't make the problem go away, you have to spend some quality time at home, doing fun things, like playing games, going to the movies or going for a bike ride. Do something new every now and then, to make life at the home front more exciting for everyone.
Invite friends over for a BBQ or something relaxing.
Take time to enjoy your life, not worrying about the next step you have to take to stay alive.
That might be your key to success.
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